Jonas Puidokas

Software Developer

Copenhagen, Denmark


Fluent: English, Danish, Lithuanian Limited: German, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian


Computer Science/Data Science


10+ years within IT

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Software Development Consultant at Netcompany

Worked at one of the leading IT consultancy companies and had the pleasure of engaging with various projects and customers. This experience exposed me to different tech stacks and work methodologies.

Master's in Data Science

Started a Master's in Computer Science but found it to be repetitive of my existing knowledge. Consequently, I switched to Data Science at another leading university in Denmark because Data Science/Machine Learning was gaining popularity and was relevant for my future. I completed courses in data science, machine learning, and e-business. Additionally, I collaborated with one of the leading telecommunication companies to train an AI model for automatically categorizing incoming emails.

Software Developer at Siemens

Worked full-time for one year and part-time for two years as a software developer in an Agile team. We developed software for modern traffic management systems, including the control of train traffic.

Bachelor's in Computer Science

Studied computer algorithms, cybersecurity, and software development at the leading technical university in Denmark.

Freelance Software Development

Developed several websites coded in HTML, JS, CSS, and PHP and set up various content management systems, including WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. While most projects were pursued for enjoyment, I often found myself growing bored with the maintenance, leading to either abandonment or sale. For instance, I sold my previous website,, which was built on WordPress.

An ambitious and committed software engineer, who brings a wealth of experience from diverse professional settings, including freelancing, startups, large corporations, and IT consultancy. Holding top grades in both Computer Science and E-Business/Data Science degrees, I have demonstrated my dedication to academic excellence.

Originally from Lithuania, I made a bold move to Denmark at the age of 20, showcasing my adaptability and linguistic prowess as I am fluent in English, Danish, and Lithuanian. With additional knowledge in German, Norwegian, Swedish and Russian, I am eager to further develop my language skills.

My expertise lies in computer systems and software design, honed through active involvement in the development of IT systems requiring proficiency in software development, machine learning, and computer networking. My passion lies in constructing scalable and efficient software solutions that address specific challenges, achieved through an agile approach and close collaboration with customers.

A proactive individual unafraid of responsibility, I consistently deliver results on time, ensuring agreed-upon quality and pricing. I am now seeking opportunities in backend software development, machine learning, and data analytics. I am particularly interested in collaborating with ambitious, talented individuals in companies that prioritize employee value and aim to make a positive impact.

If you are looking for a dedicated software engineer with a strong academic background, a proven track record in diverse professional environments, and a passion for innovation, I am excited about the prospect of contributing to and thriving within your dynamic team. Let's connect and explore how my skills can complement your organization's goals.

Please visit my LinkedIn for more information about my employment experience and professional skills.


Most of the code I have written was during employment, unfortunately, it is confidential and not publicly available. However, you can explore some of my hobby projects on GitLab. For instance, this website is constructed using NextJS/ReactJS and Tailwind CSS, with the code being publicly accessible.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of some technologies I have worked with. While I have experience with some technologies for an extended period, it may have been a long time ago, and with others, it may have been more recently, so proficiency levels can vary. Nevertheless, I can quickly reacquaint myself with any technology I have worked with in the past.


Java, C#, Python, HTML, XML, CSS, JS, Apex, Gosu, Groovy


Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL), MySQL, MongoDB, Entity Framework


ReactJS, NextJS, Angular, ASP.NET, Grails, Jakarta Enterprise Beans (JEB/EJB)


Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Kibana, Elasticsearch, Tomcat, Maven, Gradle

Code quality



Salesforce, Guidewire

Big Data management

PowerBI, Alteryx, Tableau, R Studio

Event architecture

Apache ActiveMQ (AMQ), Apache Camel, Kafka, Java Message Service (JMS)

Source code management

Git, Bitbucket

Work item management

Jira, Azure DevOps, Confluence


Keycloak, Passwordstate

Test framework

Cucumber, JUnit, Spock, Mockito, Mockery


Integration testing, unit testing, smoke testing, data-driven testing, behavior-driven testing, behavior-driven development, acceptance testing, keyword-driven testing, regression testing, mocks

Project/Team management

Agile, SCRUM, Waterfall, SAFe

Operating systems

Linux, Windows, LDAP, Active Directory, VMWare

Personal website

This website is freely accessible on GitLab. It was created with the dual purpose of establishing an online presence for self-presentation and showcasing my frontend skills.

Coded in: NextJS, ReactJS, TailwindCSS, Typescript


Scraper script

This script logs into an ASP.NET website, extracts data from multiple web pages, invokes a backend API endpoint for each page, and generates an HTML table featuring images, descriptions, and links. The scraping process occurs pre-Javascript loading. Please note that this script is intended solely for educational purposes.

Coded in: Python, HTML


Minimalistic website

A simple personal website developed in ReactJS, and it is publicly available on GitLab. This website incorporates features like instant language change and dynamic content loading. The web design adheres to a minimalist approach.

Coded in: ReactJS, HTML, JS, CSS


Wish list app

A simple wish list app that was developed to learn Angular.

Coded in: Angular, HTML, JS, CSS


Advent of Code

Advent of Code is an annual coding challenge where developers from around the world engage in logic challenges shortly before Christmas. Participants attempt to solve these challenges by crafting algorithms in code.

Coded in: Python


SOLID Principles

This project serves as a demonstration of various SOLID principles in software development, featuring practical examples to illustrate their application.

Coded in: C#



You can contact me on LinkedIn. Please state that you visited this website.